I don’t want to sound like I’m beating a dead horse but I thought writing another article in an attempt to clarify thyroid issues might…
Hormone Replacement Therapy – A Frightening Proposition?
I want to thank my regular readers who noticed and commented on the paucity of my articles in the recent past. My endeavors to…
Too Fat To Fight?
Most of my regular readers know that I am an Air Force flight surgeon (TX Air National Guard) with a total combined active duty, reserve,…
My Testosterone Is Low But My Doc Doesn’t Know
Thanks for the reader feedback from my previous article on low thyroid! Quite a few readers have commented on my unconventional approach to thyroid disease.…
Life After Sex
For those readers expecting a metaphysical article that delves into the true meaning of life- read no further. Many of the patients I see…
My Thyroid Is Low But My Doc Doesn’t Know
Based on reader feedback from my last article (Love and Marriage) I thought I needed to clarify an issue. My wife isn’t a zombie. She…
Love and Marriage
Love and marriage, love and marriage, Go together like a horse and carriage. This I tell ya, brother, you can’t have one without the other.…
To paraphrase a quote from Sir William Osler: “Listen to your patients long enough and they will tell you what’s wrong.” Great advice from one…
Atypical Patients?
Occasionally I see a patient that asks about the “typical” patients seen by my practice. Easy question, difficult answer! While many aesthetic medicine practices have…
Doctor’s Orders
My last article mentioned that women should have sex an average of three times a week to maintain vaginal health- doctor’s orders. I have received…