
Are Vampires Real? I’ve Been Bitten! – Part I

I have been out of the office since Thursday, so I apologize if it has been difficult to get a response from me in a timely fashion. Fairhope, Alabama is a lovely town that is a nice tourist destination without too much heat and humidity in April. I have spent the past few days with Dr Charles Runels, the inventor of the Vampire Facelift (R), Vampire Breastlift (R), Orgasm Shot (R), and Priapus Shot (R). While I have already begun to perform all of the procedures listed above with the exception of the Priapus Shot, I wanted to see firsthand how the originator of the procedures performed them as well as obtain firsthand experience with the Priapus Shot and Dr Runel’s latest innovation to restore hair loss.

First, a rundown of the procedures… The Vampire Facelift will treat aging skin and restore lost volume and is an excellent add-on to improve the outcomes of the Bladeless Facelift and Precision Tx procedures to remove sun damage, age spots, and deep wrinkles. I have been very impressed with our own patient’s outcomes from combining the above procedures resulting in decreased down-time from redness and swelling with even greater improvements that ever seen previously. The Vampire Breastlift can be used to naturally increase or restore breast volume, correct nipple inversion, and improve the look of aging breast implants. Excellent results thus far with our own patients! The Orgasm Shot (O-Shot) will help restore the vagina to a younger state and has been used to treat urinary incontinence, painful intercourse, and vulvodynia. I have personally injected three patients already with reported improvements in sexual satisfaction from both the patient and partner. I have been even more impressed with the report from a patient that has suffered from vulvodynia (pain in the vaginal area) that is very similar to migraine headache type pain and can be incapacitating when it occurs. This patient had experienced vulvodynia for more than 10 years and was extremely discouraged with the treatment options offered by “modern” healthcare. After her initial treatment she reported a 70-80% improvement in her pain within the first week. This is for a procedure that doesn’t achieve peak results until up to three months after treatment. Truly life changing!

Now for my procedures… The Priapus Shot will help rejuvenate and enlarge the penis and has been very successful in improving the erectile dysfunction that normally occurs as part of the aging process but is usually made much worse by prostate surgery and diabetes. I have long believed that I need to personally experience the procedures that I perform. While I’m not a candidate for the O-Shot due to my anatomy, I have the required hardware for the Priapus Shot. So… yesterday I was able to experience both the Priapus Shot as well as treatment for my receding hairline. I wouldn’t compare either procedure with getting a massage but both were very tolerable WITHOUT the benefit of local anesthesia. (I don’t expect my patients to forego local anesthesia for any of these procedures.) I will keep our readers updated on both my own results as well as the results of our patients through our Constant Contact emails as well as our Facebook posts. Next- the science behind the names.

Disclaimer: Dr Stephen Rath, MD, DABA is a board certified anesthesiologist, Air Force flight surgeon, FAA AME, paramedic, ski patroller, and pilot as well as the owner and medical director of Fusion Medical Spa located in Ruidoso, NM. Comments or questions? His email address is: